• School of Engineering

    A 2D device for quantum cooling

    EPFL engineers have created a device that can efficiently convert heat into electrical voltage at temperatures lower than that of outer space. The innovation could help overcome a significant obstacle to the advancement of quantum computing technologies, which require extremely low temperatures to function optimally.

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  • School of Engineering

    Reymond Clavel receives Joseph F. Engelberger Robotics Award

    EPFL Emeritus Professor Reymond Clavel has received the world’s most prestigious robotics honor from the Association for Advancing Automation for the invention of the Delta robot.

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  • School of Engineering

    Self-powered solar campervan embarks on Swiss tour

    The Swiss technology innovation center CSEM has announced that Soleva, a campervan powered by 100% self-produced solar energy, has begun a tour of Switzerland. The project of EPFL alumni, the campervan is equipped with lightweight solar panel technology developed by CSEM in collaboration with EPFL’s Thin-Film Photovoltaics Lab (PV-Lab). Read more

  • School of Engineering

    The bright future of solar energy

    Solar energy, which is both abundant and free, is poised to become the world’s leading power source by 2050. That’s thanks largely to technological advances and the unbridled manufacturing of solar cells, which bodes well for a successful energy transition.

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  • School of Engineering

    Five PhD students receive STI Teaching Assistant Awards

    Five engineering PhD students have been selected to receive a School of Engineering (STI) Teaching Assistant Award for their outstanding commitment to education in EPFL bachelor and master courses.

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  • School of Engineering

    Stéphanie Lacour to give inaugural lecture at the Collège de France

    Stéphanie Lacour, the Bertarelli Foundation Chair in Neuroprosthetic Technology in EPFL’s School of Engineering and head of the Laboratory for Soft Bioelectronic Interfaces, will deliver her inaugural lecture on neurotechnology at the Collège de France on Thursday, February 29, 2024.

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39 Professors
10 Adjunct Professors
11 Senior Scientists
25 ERC grants

Upcoming Events

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IEM Seminar Series: Fighting cancer with bioengineered nanomaterials 15.7.2024 – 13:30 > 14:30 Speaker: Prof. Andy Tay, Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore Place: MXF 1 Category Conferences – Seminars Read more
Inaugural lecture: Bridging terahertz-speed electronics and photonics with hybrid integrated circuits 3.9.2024 – 16:00 > 17:00 Speaker: Prof. Ileana-Cristina Benea-Chelmus Place: BM 5202 Category Inaugural lectures – Honorary Lecture Read more
Inaugural lecture: Hybrid III-V/Silicon photonics 3.9.2024 – 17:00 > 18:00 Speaker: Prof. Kirsten E. Moselund Place: BM 5202 Category Inaugural lectures – Honorary Lecture Read more
Honorary lecture: Everything flows on a microfluidic chip 11.9.2024 – 17:30 > 18:30 Speaker: Prof. Martinus Gijs Place: Category Inaugural lectures – Honorary Lecture Read more
Inaugural lecture: (Subtly) launching hardware innovation from mixed-signal circuits 24.9.2024 – 17:00 > 18:00 Speaker: Prof. Kyojin Choo Place: BM 5202 Category Inaugural lectures – Honorary Lecture Read more
Inaugural lecture: The interface of chemistry and advanced manufacturing 24.9.2024 – 18:00 > 19:00 Speaker: Prof. Daryl Yee Place: BM 5202 Category Inaugural lectures – Honorary Lecture Read more

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