Collaborative Research on Science and Society (CROSS)
ERC Advanced Grants
ERC Proof of Concept Grant
Innobooster Grant
Innosuisse Grant
Sinergia grant


EPFL’s Tech Launchpad
The George E. Smith Award
Humboldt Research award
2022 IEEE Fourier Award
2021 IEEE TCCPS Technical Achievement Award
EMBS Technical Achievement Award
Misha Mahowald Award 2021
Prize for Synchrotron Radiation 2021
Protein Science Young Investigator Award
Zonta award


Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Best Teacher 2021
Chair of the Control Systems Society Chapter of the IEEE Swiss Section
Fellow Member of the Optical Society (Optica)
Editor-in-Chief  of IEEE TCAD
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer
IEEE Distinguished Service award
IEEE Fellows 2022
IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing 2022 Prize
President of the Society of Engineering Science (SES)
World’s most highly cited scientists


Charitat Award
EDEE best Doctoral Thesis Award in Electrical Engineering
Predoctoral Achievement Award by the Solid-State Circuit Society (IEEE SSCS)
Second prize for Best Paper Award at the ISBI 2021
Young Researcher Presentation Award