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A microfluidic method for safe retrieval of bone marrow-derived cells

More parallel ‘traffic’ observed in human brains than in animals

A micro-ring resonator with big potential

Training algorithm breaks barriers to deep physical neural networks

A color-based sensor to emulate skin’s sensitivity

A Bandpass Filter for Synthetic Biology

Redefining energy efficiency in data processing

Soft, elephant trunk-like robot for close interaction with humans

Enhancing AI robustness for more secure and reliable systems

Making a femtosecond laser out of glass

Peering into Nanofluidic Mysteries One Photon at a Time

Computational Model Paves the Way for More Efficient Energy Systems

A Lab-on-a-Chip for T cell screening and sorting

Capturing carbon where it is produced

Exploring a new approach to treating collapsed airways in newborns

A Novel Biosensor for Detecting Neurogenerative Disease Protiens

Robot Assisted Surgery: Four Arms Are Better Than Two

EPFL and CSEM Achieve Landmark Photovoltaic Efficiency Milestone

Open-Source MEWron Device Unleashes New Possibilities in 3D Printing

Researchers control individual molecules for precision sensing

Study reveals mechanics of the ideal surgical knot

Researchers unveil first Chat-GPT-designed robot

Swiss energy system could be independent and carbon-neutral by 2050

Actively reducing noise by ionizing air

Amputees feel warmth in their missing hand

Deployable electrodes for minimally invasive craniosurgery

EPFL discovery brings us closer to next-generation electronics

Engineering molecular interactions with machine learning

Insights into efficient solar cells from earth-abundant elements

Cryo-imaging lifts the lid on fuel cell catalyst layers

Nanoplasmonic imaging reveals real-time protein secretion

Thread-like pumps can be woven into clothes

Elison Matioli at TEDx Arendal: Can materials mimic the human body?

Magnon-based computation could signal computing paradigm shift

Robotic system offers hidden window into collective bee behavior

3D-printed insoles measure sole pressure directly in the shoe

3D printing with bacteria-loaded ink produces bone-like composites

Electronic metadevices break barriers to ultra-fast communications

Chromo-encryption method encodes secrets with color

A neuro-chip to manage brain disorders

Deflecting lightning with a laser lightning rod

A tool to detect higher-order phenomena in real-world data

Michele Ceriotti to represent EPFL in new ELLIS program

Integrated photonic circuits could help close the ‘terahertz gap’