Welcome from the Director Andreas Burg
The Electrical and Electronics Engineering Section (SEL) has the threefold objective of providing its students with a high-level and broad-based scientific and technical education, learning skills and professional know-how. These aims can be achieved with:
• solid training in the basic sciences,
• teaching which is directly related to research results,
• a Master’s program that offers a wide choice of specializations, corresponding to specific career paths in industry and research,
• emphasis placed on practical work and projects closely linked to industry, enabled by close contact with the industrial environment throughout the program.
The EPFL electrical engineer is concerned with electricity in its dual role of information and energy vectors. The broad educational program covers key domains of EE, namely Micro and Nanoelectronics, Information and Communication Technologies, and Power and Energy, and so provides the students with the essential tools for solving problems related to electrical engineering.
This program provides the student in EE with a wide spectrum of knowledge, starting from a strong theoretical background and leading towards a range of practical applications. This ability to analyze and synthesize information will enable the EPFL electrical engineer to deal with complex scientific and industrial projects in an independent way.
Moreover, our education provides the essential skills of all engineering graduates: good communication abilities, an understanding of the international context and of the ethical, environmental and societal aspects of specific problems. Our students are prepared to pursue doctoral studies in a wide variety of fields ranging from microelectronics to life sciences over communications and energy.

SEL section director