Concurrent engineering project

Students are organized in small teams dedicated to the development of different parts of a common project. For the first time in their curriculum, they face the challenge to carry out engineering projects integrating several aspects of mechanical engineering. The concurrent engineering project enables them to put into practice -and apply to concrete cases-, the corresponding learning outcomes and transversal skills acquired in each domain over the four first semesters of the bachelor studies. A few hours in this course will be dedicated to project management training, more specifically the search and management of information, project planning and monitoring, group organization and communication, technical report writing and preparation of presentations in the form of posters.

This project takes place in the 6th semester of Bachelor and aims at the following learning outcomes:

Domain skills:

Transversal skills:


Projects 2024 – Presentation

Projects 2023 – Presentation

Projects 2022 – Presentation

Projects 2021 – Presentation

Projects 2020 – PresentationVideo presentations