Master Thesis

Please consult the official web site of the Registrars Office here

PdM in a laboratory of the Institute of Materials (IMX) or in a laboratory of an other Institute at EPFL (18 weeks, including 1 week vacation)  

During December or May, the students, who obtained the required credits of Master cycle and have carried out the internship in industry, have to choose a topic for the PdM by contacting the laboratories of IMX. It is also possible to carry out the PdM in a laboratory of an other Institute of EPFL, supervised by a responsible of SMX (prof, MER).

PdM in an external university or academic Institute (18 to 26 weeks, including 1 week vacation)

During December or May, the students, who obtained the required credits of Master degree and have carried out the engineering internship, can make their PdM in an external academic institute. They have to find a responsible of SMX (prof, MER) willing to supervise the project and with whom they will discuss modalities and organization of the PdM.

Pdm in industry with engineering internship (PdMe) (26 weeks, including 1 week vacation)

The students who obtained the required credits of Master degree can choose to carry out a PdMe which includes the engineering internship and the PdM. Before accepting an offer from a company, they have to find a responsible of SMX (prof, MER) who will agree to supervise the project according to the indications mentionned here.  The PdMe can also be carried out if the engineering internship has already been completed.

Some laboratories indicate Master thesis on their website.

Procedure for the enrollment

– Register the Master project on IS-Academia as soon as the registrations open (with course registration module).

– Return the pdf of the registration form duly signed by the supervisor to or at the SMX secretariat

Registration/Dates : here

Hand-in the report 

– Send the electronic pdf version of the report, regarding the deadline, before noon, by email to, the supervisor of your Master thesis and the expert.