All EPFL minor rules apply.
Presentation of the Biomedical technologies minor
The Minor in Biomedical Technologies (30 ECTS) complements the Master programs offered at EPFL, providing additional skills in the field of biomedical sciences (or engineering for SV students).
The program includes courses (22 ECTS minimum, all optional) of basis in biomedical sciences as well as a broad choice of engineering-related courses with emphasis on applications in biomedical engineering.
A semester project (8 ECTS, mandatory) related to biomedical technology in included in the Minor.
For non-SV students (STI, SB…)
A core group of courses of biomedical basis is strongly recommended:
BIO-105 Cellular biology and biochemistry for engineers
PHYS-301 Biophysics I
Please check the prerequisites for each course. If you have doubts on the required background, contact the professor.
For SV students
Considering their pre-existing background in biology, SV students can select some other courses from MT, EL, ME, MX programs (up to 10 ECTS, with agreement of the responsible of the Minor program).

- Register by selecting the minor in the course registration system (IS-Academia) at the beginning of the first or second semester of the Master’s program (deadline: second Friday of classes).
- Plan course choices (considering the project) according to the curriculum, for all Master’s semesters. Check schedule compatibility with other Master’s courses.
- Courses not listed in the minor’s curriculum must be approved by Prof. Philippe Renaud. Afterwards, request the section’s secretariat to move the course(s) to the minor in IS-Academia.
- Find a semester project in an EPFL Biomedical research laboratory, following the SMT guidelines.
- Have the project topic and academic supervisor validated by Prof. Philippe Renaud.
- In due time, officially register for the courses and the semester project via IS-Academia (mandatory!).

Philippe Renaud, responsible of BMT Minor