Section of Materials
Materials form an integral part of our environment, and are used in cars, airplanes, satellites, computers, sports and medical equipment to name a few examples.
Materials Science aims to understand and control the structure of matter, down to the atomic level, and to optimise processing methods to produce efficient and innovative materials that meet the requirements and needs of our society, now and in the future.
As a cutting-edge field of study applied to many technological areas, materials science also aims to preserve our environment by proposing an optimal and sustainable use of natural resources.
The Materials Science Section offers multidisciplinary courses, drawing knowledge from basic sciences such as Chemistry and Physics, and from Engineering sciences towards manufacturing and applications.
Materials Science and Engineering leads to a wide range of working environments, and to very promising careers. This fast evolving field covers technical, scientific, human, environmental and financial aspects in many applications including nanotechnology, communication, biomedicine, aerospace, sports and energy.

Director of the Section of Materials