PX Group Prize
The PX GROUP is offering a Prize for young scientists who just finished or are about to finish their PhD at EPFL in Microengineering or in Material Sciences, preferably in connection with metallurgy or advanced manufacturing methods.

The PX GROUP Prize is awarded every year by a Jury composed of four EPFL professors or senior scientists.
Prize money: CHF 5,000
Method of submission: candidates should send a cover letter, their doctoral thesis and CV and a recommandation letter from their PhD supervisor, in PDF format, to Isabelle Schafer (isabelle.schafer@epfl.ch)
Deadline: 31st July of each year.
The result will be communicated on December 15th, and the prize will be given to the candidate during the Microcity General Assembly, which takes places every year in January at Microcity (Neuchâtel).
In 2017, the Prize rewarded Dr. Martin Guillermo Mueller, for his doctoral work « Strength and fracture of silicon second-phase particles in aluminium casting alloys ».