Semester project registration procedure

Finding a semester project

Visit the different laboratories or the section web page and make sure that the professor in charge of the project is affiliated with the Mechanical Engineering Institute. If this is not the case, you must submit the project to the section Director’s approval.

Register your semester project

  1. Find a project
  2. Contact the professor in charge of the project
  3. Ask for the authorization to carry out a project, if out of ME
  4. Register the project in IS-Academia (student portal, course selection)
  5. Have the registration form signed by the Professor (or the senior scientist) in charge of the project
  6. E-mail the form to the section’s office (

Contact the professor in charge of the project

Discuss and book your subject with your professor as soon as possible.

The possibility for students to propose a project different from the ones offered, remains an exception and must receive prior academic and scientific validation from a laboratory.

Registration in IS-Academia

You must register your project in IS-A as soon as registration to semester courses opens.

Registration deadline, as for all other courses, is at the end of the second week of the semester.

IMPORTANT : your registration to the project in IS-Academia is mandatory


Mechanical Engineering section rules on semester projects

« Projects » block, including SHS, is completed once obtained the required 16 credits.

« Options » group is completed once the 74 credits (44 credits if the student has registered a minor) are obtained by individual completion of each registered course

1 – ME semester project I (ME-401) is compulsory and worth 10 credits.

It must be carried out in an ME or affiliated lab. If not so, the student must ask for the ME Section Director’s authorization which will only be granted if the student is doing a specialization and when the project is directly linked to the student’s specialization, with prior approval of the corresponding specialization advisor.

2 – ME semester project II (ME-402) is optional and worth 10 credits

It can be carried out in a non-ME lab prior authorization of ME Section Director.

3 – The MGT-555: Innovation & entrepreneurship in engineering course follows the same rules as ME-402 and will be counted in the 44 ME credits, if the student doesn’t carry out ME-402. Otherwise the MGT-555 credits will enter the 30 out-of-ME credits.

Useful Forms

Request for authorization to carry out semester project outside SGM