Master Projects in Industry

In the framework of a strategic initiative of the School of Engineering, we wish to strengthen the ties between industrial actors and our research institutes.


A Master Project in industry is a work carried out by a student at the end of his master education to apply the competences acquired during his studies. It lasts 25 weeks and takes place in the company under the supervision of a teaching assistant affiliated to an EPFL research laboratory. If required (and with beforehand agreement by the concerned laboratory on the practical and financial conditions), part of the work can take place in the school’s laboratory, but a minimum of 8 weeks must be carried at the company.

Choosing the Master Project subject

The definition of the subject is an important step implicating both the host company and the research laboratory. The identification of an objective suiting the technological developments of the company, and involving a research aspects requiring academic competences of the student, is of primary importance in order to guarantee an successful situation for the company, the laboratory and the student. A work plan over the full duration of the project has to be established in order to follow the progress.

Collaboration between the company, the Professor and the student

The student is closely supervised by the teaching assistant from EPFL and by the person in charge in the company. Regular coordination meetings allow to adjust and re-orientate the final project objective if required. Close to the project ending, the student writes his Master thesis which will be orally defended in front of a jury generally composed by a representative from the company and his academic supervisor.

Dates and agreement

To respect to academic calendar, please check the link below to find the deadlines

Legal aspects and management of intellectual property can be defined by an agreement signed by the 3 parties.


Master projects do not require a monthly remuneration to the student, but a compensation for travel and lodging and/or a bonus at the end of the project can be given to the student. SMPs do not require a work authorization for 3rd country citizens as the project is part of the student’s curriculum.


Master projects that have been discussed and pre-validated by an EPFL Professor can be directly adverzised an master thesis in industry on our free of charge internship portal. Please choose only the “Master thesis” format, and specify the name supervisisng Professor: Link to Internship portal

Contact and more information

In case of questions, feel free to contact the industrial internship coordinator at the following address: